Learn More About

EatSmart is a collective group of Mind, Body & Spirit members that have expressed an interest in learning how balancing nutrition with an active lifestyle can promote healthy aging, while reducing the potential risk of disease. While healthy eating is essential in all stages of life, an informed nutritional diet is especially important for older adults as our body goes through many changes while aging. And with the many hormonal and endocrine changes we endure, this can make our body more prone to:

  • depositing fat, rather than building muscle
  • decreasing bone mineral density
  • lowering physical energy levels
  • challenging cognitive acuity and mental depression

Learning leading best practices can help us make informed decisions to optimize our health. Wise food choices including a Whole Foods Plant-based (WFPB) diet can improve our wellbeing, deter and even reverse disease, keep our minds sharp, and help us stay vibrant. The foods we choose to fuel our body are a product of the groceries we buy, the food preparation methods we use, and the restaurant selections we make. And by making mindful small changes in our daily lives, over time you can see noticeable improvements in our overall wellbeing.

Good nutrition combined with regular exercise is known to be one of the most effective ways to reduce the risk of age-related chronic conditions (like heart disease, diabetes, cancer, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, and high cholesterol). Physical activity and exercise (including frequency, type, duration, intensity) is equally important to balance both your short- and long-term benefits. Only you can make the personal choices that are right for you and your body. 

EatSmart programming is focused on bringing in leading medical professionals, professors, writers, and lecturers to provide timely insights and lead active discussions on the prevailing wisdom of good nutrition and exercise as we age.

I hope you will join us in this journey of continuous learning and active sharing of facts, ideas, experiences, and professional opinions.

** The information presented in the EatSmart programs is not intended to replace the advice of your doctor or other health care professionals.

Questions? Contact Debbie LoPiccolo – [email protected]